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A standard chronological resume (in contrast to a functional format) emphasizes skills and job experience. Similar to a Curriculum Vitae, in the case of an experienced educator, a resume may be lengthy. Unlike a Curriculum Vitae, which emphasizes academic accomplishments, a resume emphasizes demonstrated evidence of skills. A resume leads with professional experience while a Curriculum Vitae leads with academic experience. See an example below.
A common variation of a standard chronological resume is known as a functional resume. It utilizes a format that illustrates the knowledge, expertise, and behaviors that are sought for the position. It should highlight demonstrated evidence that the candidate has mastered each leadership domain. It should be considerably less lengthy than a standard chronological resume. I utilize domains that are germane to my position, such as Strategic Leadership, External Context & Policy Leadership, and Micro-Political Leadership. The same domains form the foundation of my annual evaluation. Aligning the job duties, evaluation, entry plan, and resume bring coherency and clarity to all four processes those documents accompany. Learn more about the connection between them in an essay here. See an example of a functional formatted resume below.
In a nutshell, a resume should provide demonstrated evidenced that the person has met or exceeded the expectations of their current position and as a result are qualified for a position of increased responsibility.

Standard Chronological Resume

Functional Format Resume

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